In situ SEM analysis on paraffin-embedded biopsy (research)

In situ SEM analysis on paraffin-embedded biopsy (research)

As part of its research activities, Minapath Development conducts in situ analyzes on paraffin-embedded biopsies.

From a medical prescription, the pathology department is asked to send us an HES colored histological slide as well as the corresponding paraffin block. We make a 5µm thick section that we deposit on a carbon disc. This section is then examined by scanning electron microscopy (Jeol JSM 6010LV Plus ). After automatic detection of the particles by SEM, they are identified by micro-analysis (Oxford Detector EDS-SDD X-Max 50mm2). The results are given by family of particles (silica, silicates, oxides, metals,…) in number of particles observed.These data, crossed with those of the clinic, participate in the determination of the ethiology of a pathology.

For more information: Brochure MINAPATH In Situ Analysis

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